Wednesday, July 14, 2004

A walk Through Memory Lane

I was just looking at my poetry project that I did in Mrs. Grimes class my sophomore year in high school. We had to pick out our favorite song and do different things like make a business card related to the song, put pictures, and include a translation of the song. Looking back on the whole experience it was kind of fun. Then I ran across the Bio Poems that we did, Mrs. Grimes gave us a copy of all the poems written by all the class members corresponding to whatever period you were in. I was in 7th period it was a fun class, it was nice to read all the things others desire to have in the near future, all their hopes and dreams and remember what they were like and you can see right away how one year makes a lot of difference.

I miss the old days where my GPA was much higher and I knew most of the stuff teachers taught me, now I am confused in math and my chemistry teacher was not so good to say the least. On the other hand, the biology teacher I had my sophomore year was a great teacher, I learned a lot in her class and it was also fun, she was very nice and her teaching methods were appealing to my style of learning. Unfortunately, those days are gone now and I have to concentrate on what lies ahead, which is my senior year and the security blanket I know as Sunset high school will be replace by a big and scary monster called "college" I am beginning to realize that leaving behind all that you came to know and appreciate is very difficult, but at the same time one needs to go out and try new things to test the waters and be more prepared for the world we live in today. A world where you must be prepared or you might not accomplish what one day you promise yourself you would and then you are going to looked back and regret not being as determine and hardworking as you needed to be to reach your goals, but by then it might be too late! Wow you see what a night without any sleep does to me! I knew I shouldn't have had that snicker at one in the morning! Oh well too late, well think of what I said, you know once in awhile seating back and reflecting on your life can help you become a better person all around, but you must do something about what you think you should improve on and not just say you are going to do it and not do it at all. Unfortunately the problem with the majority of people is that is very easy for them to say they are going change for the better, but is very hard for them to actually take the actions necessary to do so. I myself am one of those people I want to change for the better, but is very hard for me to take the actions necessary to do so! As the saying goes "we don't know what we have or in this case what we could have had until it is gone" We need make our best effort to improve today in order to have a better tomorrow or else what would we have to look forward to!

No matter what always remember you can spit in one hand and hope in the other and see which one fills up first!


Blogger J. Grimes said...

That was a fun class, as I remember. What song did you do for the project?

8:03 AM  

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