Friday, July 30, 2004

Que paso chamacos y chamacas (if you don't understand this don't worry is not important)

Well let see blogging, yes the purpose of blogging is to express yourself and let the world know that you exist (ok maybe not the world just the people who know the address to Mr. Locke website) because besides those people nobody else reads this. In fact, I don't think people from the blogging world call Mr. read this anymore and the ones that do are very few, but I guess that was to be expected. I could blog like everyday, but what is the point? That is a very good question and I am glad I asked that ( at least I think is a good question) if you don't share my opinion that is not my fault that is your fault so blah! Anyway the purpose of blogging is to express yourself and help you deal with the little or big problems of life, whatever the case may be. I know I have not been blogging for ages actually it has been for 16 days! You may be asking yourselves now Victor why did you do such a horrible thing like that I mean not blogging for 16 days? Well the answer is simple, because I think whatever I blog about should be interesting, but I am having a problem coming up with interesting stuff to blog about so that is why I have not blog for 16 days. Now Mrs. Grimes I know you love new post to read, so I am going to try to blog every other day, but I am warning you my post my be boring, but you people don't care right, well if you do too bad that is not my fault you will never take my right of freedom of speech away! Except for Doc he is scary and he controls my grade. Now moving on I have been taking college classes at Mountain View for dual credit ( for those of you who do not know what dual credit is, it means that after you complete the course and if you pass the class you get credit for college and high school). Ok my speech class I am doing good because I have had some very good English teachers: Mrs. Grimes, Doc, and Mr. Locke I thank all of you I have leaned a lot from you three kiddos through out my high school years, and I am hoping to learn even more this year with Mrs. Grimes once again! Goodluck this year Doc (even though I know he is never going to read this), Mrs. Grimes, and especially Mr. Locke you are getting all the punks, hey look at the bright side it will prepare you for your child's teenage years and the road of fatherhood. Ok, but I have bad news I had to drop economics, I know Mr. Locke is going to be disappointed in me, but two college classes in a month is kind of difficult, plus acadec, but now I can concentrate on getting an A in speech class! So sorry Mr. Locke I know I let you down, but that is part of life you live and learned! So far in acadec I have learned a lot being a team captain, I have learned the value of team work and being there for my team. It hard to walk a path alone, but with a little of support one can achieve great things! As of right now we are currently in first place, but what matters to me the most is that they actually take something out of acadec and not just do it because they have to do it! I mean you are already in this thing have some fun, and yes is a lot of work, but it feels good to know that you actually know something! The standings are very important in acadec, but what is much more important is the things you take out of acadec and how you put them to the test in real life situations! It wasn't until this year that I learned how great acadec is, I mean right now I am taking college classes, and all the things I have learned in acadec have been the key to me doing well in my speech class. I know it sounds crazy, but who knows maybe the things you learned today may save your life tomorrow! Ok Locke here is an impromptu questions (remember the little bear) Why did the chicken cross the road? Everybody else is also welcome to answer this question I want to see what answers all of you come up with!

P.S. I know the comment system I have now is a little annoying so just post anonymous and put your name before you put your comment (if you don't want to go through the process of signing in)! The rules are you have a minute to prepare and you have to speak or in this case type for 1:30 to 2:00 minutes. You don't exactly have to follow the rules especially if you are a first timer, but is good practice (Mr. Locke I strongly expect you to follow the rules, you should be ashamed of yourself if you don't)!


Blogger Jonathan said...

Well, in my opinion, the chicken, if it really was a chicken, crossed the aforementioned "road" because he was tired of the way chickens were being oppressed on his side of the road. He decided to cross to the other side so that he could have freedom and create a new life for himself. Really, the chicken is symbolic of all the people in all the nations around the world who feel oppressed. The road represents the hard journey they might have to take to reach the other side, representing America, if you will, where citizens are offered all the rights and freedoms that they rightfully deserve.


2:43 AM  
Blogger Noemi said...

Have to comment for at least 1:30?
::30 seconds pass by::
The chicken crossed the road so Noemi wouldn't catch it and eat it. It's really that simple....
Oppressed nations? See, I could be living in Mexico right now in this cool house my parents had bought, but nooooo they chose to leave just for that little thing in my moms belly(Rocio. Then I was born, and then another and another....(Irrelevant I know)

12:44 AM  
Blogger J. Grimes said...

The chicken crossed the road because

6:51 PM  
Blogger J. Grimes said...

Just kidding! Here goes:

The chicken looked around at her little tired plot of land and cackled, "I'm tired of laying eggs every day for such a modest living. I receive grain for my efforts, but I want more. I want a bigger coop, more space to roam, maybe even a little egg business of my own!"

And so she crossed the road and actually became quite successful. She worked harder than she had as an employee, because she now paid a small group of fellow hens to produce greater volume. The government increased her tax percentage over and over--since she had become a wealthy chicken hated by the poor--and one day she found that even working twice as many hours as she had before, she was only slightly better off.

She pondered. . .

7:17 PM  
Blogger Neal Locke said...

The chicken ran screaming accross the road to get far away from the raving capitalist who made that last post! ;)

10:24 PM  
Blogger Neal Locke said...

Ok, that was my warm up. This is for real:

To be or not to be, that is the question. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there does it make a sound? Is it better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all? Which came first--the chicken or the egg? Could an omnipotent God create a problem so difficult he (or she) couldn't solve it?

Recognize any of these? That's right, they are some of the great questions that have occupied the minds of philosophers and poets for centuries. You've probably pondered a few of them yourself. Today I propose to add another question to this renowned list: Why did the chicken cross the road?

But it's just a joke, you say--and a pretty lame one at that. Think again. Consider the diversity of the answers and punchline this question has produced over the years--or even over the last few days: From getting to the other side, to opression, capitalism, escapism...and the list goes on.

Robert Browning once said that "a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or else what's a heaven for." Perhaps this sentiment captures some of the fascination we have with the chicken and his road-quest. Perhaps we cannot truly grasp the magnitude of the chicken's quest, nor an answer to the question, for it is the search itself, the journey itself, the "quest for heaven" that inspires us. We are all that chicken crossing that road--each with his own reason, though often without.

What do I think? Probably because he was stapled to the road-runner. Thank you, and have a wonderful evening.

10:40 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

Oppression, Mr. Locke. Not opression. I'm not picking on you, I'm just trying to prepare you to go out into the real world. Hehe. Stapled to the road-runner...interesting theory.

11:55 AM  
Blogger J. Grimes said...

Raving capitalist? Probably remnants of my second year of college when I majored in economics. Sorry, Locke, socialism is a failed venture. ;)

We still have the wealthiest poor people in the world--and I say this from first-hand experience. Remember I grew up in South America. I ran barefoot and lived in a house with a dirt floor, bark siding, and leafy roof. Our toilet was a hole in the ground, our shower (and washing machine) was the nearby river.

Thanks to capitalism, I now have a job that allows me to give MY money away to the government and even more money away to causes of my choice. I can pay workers to mow my lawn while I grade papers, which helps these men send money to their parents in Central America while living a decent existence (food, shelter, carpet, running water, electricity, television, car, and so on). Their children will go to college, even be my employers, in the next generation.

Terrorism is a distant threat compared to the constant kidnappings, bombings, and assassinations I encountered in the country of my birth. This road runner is living the American dream.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Neal Locke said...

Oooh. Touchy capatitalist. About the part where our poor people are richer than poor people (or rich people) in other countries. So?

Quality of life can't (and shouldn't) be measured as a function of wealth. I've studied economics myself (I teach it for Acadec) and socialism is not a failed system--pure socialism is as fictitious as pure capitalism. We live in a mixed system, and last time I checked, Bill Gates with all of his money doesn't have the ability to build a single interstate highway. Thank goodness for the socialism we still embrace. I just wish we weren't so swayed by the glitz and glamour of the almighty dollar.

Money may solve some problems, but it creates even more. Compassion is the answer, not capitalism. Yes, it's idealistic. So sue me. Oh wait...that would be a capitalist thing to do!

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you!
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3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice site!
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3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done! |

3:26 PM  

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