Wednesday, December 21, 2005

My first semester in college and coming home

Well I took 12 hours this semester, which means four classes- I got an A, B, B, and another one I do not know yet, but I think is a B or A. College is an amazing experience leaving everything behind and starting a new journey is no doubt difficult, but at the same time a worthwhile experience. I have learned many things about myself and the world. I have grown and matured much compared to last year. I learn the value of just sitting there dicussing philosophy with my friend Gus. I have known what an all-nighter is and how being exposed to a different culture has made me see things in a big picture, not just Oak Cliff.

College is challenging, but is worth it in my opinion. I have made some new friends and appreciate my old ones. In college I realized that life is not eternal and is not guaranteed to any of us. SO, whatever you do in life, make sure it makes you happy. But what I mean by happy, is not material things, but true long lasting things, like your friends, family, or who ever you have a deep connection with. Hopefully, alll of you will have someone to share your experiences, hardships, stories, and moments of happiness.

Sometimes, life is hard, but like I always say:"It is only through darkness that you learned to appreciate the light." One might go through suffering and hearbreaks because that is just part of life. One of the things that is hardest to understand is love, because it can break your heart many times, but it can also be an umexplicable and amazing feeling.

Remember, no matter what, fight for what you believe in and if you find something that is worth fighting for fight for it, because that is the only way we can appreciate the true meaning of life. By finding and fighting for what gives our lives meaning. And no matter what you go through, always try to look at the big picture and maybe you will find that things are not so bad and the strength to keep of fighting and to get through the tough times in life.

I came home, but everythings seems different some things are good and some bad, but I keep thinking to myself, maybe if I keep fighting one more day, I can learn to appreciate the beautiful things in life. Things are confusing, but life is tough and we have to deal with it. Sometimes, is hard to find the strengh and the courage to keep going because the pain and suffering is sometimes fatal, whether physical or emotion, maybe beneath all the pain lies somethings beautiful and thbe pain and suffering is just a right of passage. Carpe Diem, Seize the day, and you might just find many aspects to life that might just make your life more meaningful and fruitful.

Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results. ---Anonymous---

Take care, and happy holidays.


Blogger J. Grimes said...

Oh, you should set your blog to make commenters type the code! (spam above). Congratulations on your A's and B's--at a tough school, too!--I'm sure a lot of work went into those grades. I'm very proud of you. Hope the other Longhorns did well also.

3:49 AM  
Blogger Neal Locke said...

Keep up the good work, and heche leganas! (did I spell that right?)

Got any summer plans yet?

12:27 AM  

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