Today, since I could not sleep because my brother woke me up with his loud and annoying snoring at 7 AM. I started to think of what to write on my blog today. Suddenly I remember reading a great blog by Richard about memories. Then I decided to write my own point of view about memories and after thinking for a few minutes I concluded that memories are a brief recollection of the past. Usually our memories have a strong impact on us that is why we remember them in the first place. Memories usually are put into two categories; there are joyful memories and memories of infernal times in our lives. The joyful memories bring back happiness and warmth to our hearts, but they probably do not affect us a much as the painful memories. Painful memories are like a scar in our lives that we never forget they are there and never go away as long as we live. They affect one's life in a horrific manner. Every time we see, hear, or do anything that reminds us of that moment in time, we fall into a deep hole of sorrow and sadness that is hard to get out of, but memories have its purpose in life, they are there to remind us that the world is a cruel and dishearten place and that we need to create more memories of joy to compensate for the ones of sorrow and to remind us of the purpose of living. Further more memories remind us that we need to be fair and kind to others because the world is cruel and full of bad memories as it is we need to work together to have a better tomorrow in these cold, and dishearten place we call earth, and not make it harder for each other to enjoy life or else life as we know it would be a waste of time!
Keep in mind that remembering is reliving lets make memories of joy not of sorrow!
Keep in mind that remembering is reliving lets make memories of joy not of sorrow!