Tuesday, March 22, 2005


What is wrong with the world today? A couple of days ago, I heard about the paleta man that got shot for 30 dollars, can you believe that? That man was just doing his job to put food on the table for him and his family. How can someone be so stupid to take someone's life, and even more deppressing for 30 misserable dollars. I heard that that man had a two year old daughter and he was about to go away on vacation to spend time with his family; now there is a little girl without a father and a wife without a husband.
Man, that makes me mad, what makes people think that they can take someone's else life just in the blink of eye? I bet that when that man woke up he didn't think oh I am going to die today! Can you imagine what that would be like? Knowing that you going to die and that you can't do anything to stop it from happening. As I wake up each and everyday, I see that we are slowly ending with the world we live in. Wether is someone killing someone else, people making money taking advantage of other people or just plain killing each other for some unreasonable reason is just plain sad.
Then there is the war, we are fighting for oil and terretory and basically killing each other to survive. Maybe is the other way around, we survive to kill each other. That man did not deserve to die like that. Sometimes I question our society and even the human race as a whole. The human race supposely is one of reason, but sometimes we do things that not even the most primitive and ferous animals do. I am afraid for what lies ahead for the human race as a whole, lately, it seems that we are more concerned with ourselves and blind to see what our selfishness does to others.
Today, I heard that two more paleta man got assalted once again, luckily no one was hurt. According to Telemundo, the guilty party of the crime threaden that if the paleta men didn't give them their money, they will take out their weapons and shoot them. I was really close to losing my dad because of people that have no cosideration for others. My dad was driving home from work, when about three men got out of a car with guns and put it to his head then got in my dad's car and took off. We are already losing what we love and care for just by the nature of life and the things that make up the world we call home. Why should we speed up the process? The truth is that things will never get better until we take action against things like this. Have you realized that at any moment we can lose what we value, appreciate, and love the most, but the one to blame for that is not God, life, or mother nature when in fact, is us that end with what we value, appreciate, and love the most.
The end will eventually come and when it does ask yourself Did I deserve to have the previlage of being alive? Remember there is only one life for everyone please care for your own life and others because when the end comes you can't go back in time and correct your mistakes, vindicate your sins, or say I am sorry to the ones you hurt. Life is hard I know, but what is even harder is not having a chance to have a life and even sadder when we take that chance for others to have one. Live your life as you pleas, but do not ruin someone's else life.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Austin College Tour and Interview

On Tuesday I had to wake up really early to meet Mr. Locke outside his portable to go to Austin College for my tour and interview. We were talking about things ranging from acadec, my interview, and my future. After about an hour an 30 minutes we got to Austin College (AC). We took a tour around AC and the college actually seem really nice and cozy. The guy that gave us the tour said that the classes are generally about 18 people, which is pretty cool I think.
Then after the tour I went straight in to my interview, it was a one on one deal I think I did pretty well the guy actually said he was impress with my answers and I was like alright. Then we went to lunch in the college's cafeteria which was really good I had a three plates. I had to take advantage it was all you can eat so I took them up on that.
We then went to the book store and afterwards talk to a few more people and we came back home, I was feeling pretty confident in myself after we left, but the decision is still up in the air. I do think I have a pretty good shoot and if I don't get in, which I hope I do at least I know I gave it my best shot.
On the way back we talk about how thinks went and about the people we saw there and the overall atmosphere of the college. In the end all those hours I practice for the acadec interview paid off, I just hope the end result will be as big as the effort will see and if not is not the end of the world, but it will definately be very dissapointing.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I am crazy

So I haven't blog in less than a month, and you all say I don't blog see i do. Well, my birthday past, then nothing happened, then some more time passed by and yet nothing happened. School is cool people so stay in school. Don't argue with me and just stay in school, and by school I mean the actual class and not just walking around the school. Math benchmark was hard for me, but I am dumb at math so blaaaaaaaaah. On the other hand, well in English class I am doing pretty good. I am not the best, but hey I am passing with B. The time is getting closer for me to have to grow up and leave everything I know and love behind. Man, college I will be the first to go to college and I am kind of excited and scared at the same time, but hey I had to deal with much harder things.
Ok, new paragragh I join chess club and I want some new people to get in because I am the best one in there for real and you all know I don't like to show off in fact, my chess skills are not so good, but I want someone who can give me a challenge. I been trying to do my essay for Mrs. Grimes and I am stuck. I got an interview at Austin College, I am sure I will be ok I am an interesting person hahaha no I am not. Shhhh, but they don't know that ok so don't tell them. I do think I have a shot of getting accepted my mom said, "you do not put as much attention as you used to to school." Now that I think about it she might have a point so now I am going to do my best to put more attention to school and see what happens.
Oh my god, I just agreed with my mom hehe. My mom says I get bad grades so now I got to get good grades. I am going to go and work on getting good grades ok. Good grades are good. Ok I got to go and make good grades, but in math I am always lost so I am going to try to get help. Ok peace out ya and remember to not forget what you don't want to remember. You will understand if you don't already do and if you don't well that means that you did in fact remember to forget what you wanted to forget!
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